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How to use the law of attraction 2020 | Detailed Explanation

How to use the law of attraction

How to use the law of attraction?

How to use the law of attraction: Hi friends, in this blog I will give a detailed solution on how to use the law of attraction and how subjective reality defines this law?

How Subjective Reality answers difficult questions of the Law of Attraction:

What happens when people's intention (intention, thinking, idea, purpose) conflicts, just as two people think of the same promotion, while the same space is empty?

Since you are the only person who has intentions, it is just an internal conflict - within you. You yourself are giving birth to the thought that both people want the same position. But you are also thinking (intending) that only one person can get this position. .You are planning a competition. This whole situation is your creation. You believe in competition, so the same thing happens in your life. Perhaps you already have some belief (thoughts and intentions) that who will get a promotion, in such a situation your hope will become a reality. But maybe you have a belief that life is uncertain, then you may get a surprise because you are the one who intends it.

Being a single Intender in your reality puts a heavy responsibility on your shoulder. Thinking that the world is uncertain, unfair, etc., you can give up control of your reality, but you cannot give up your responsibility. You are the only creator of this Universe. If you think about war, poverty, disease, etc. then you will see this. If you think about peace, love and happiness, then you will see all this happening in reality. Whenever you think about something, then, in reality, call that thinking to appear in reality.

How to use the law of attraction? Do the intentions of young children, or even animals, work?

How to use the law of attraction

No, even your body has no intention - only your consciousness has intentions. You are the only one who has intentions, so that is what you think for children or animals. Every thought is an intention, so whatever you think of them will be exactly the same with them. Keep in mind that beliefs are hierarchical, so if the reality of your belief is uncertain, uncontrollable and more powerful then it will suppress your other beliefs, in which you are less sure. The collection of all your thoughts decides what you will actually see.

If a child is raped, does it mean that he intended it?

No. This means that you had intended so. By thinking about child abuse, you intend to be in reality. The more you think about child abuse (or about anything else), the more you will actually see the extent of it. Whatever you think about, it expands, and it is not just limited to you, but it happens in the whole universe.

How to use the law of attraction? What if I want to improve my relationship but my spouse does not care about it?

How to use the law of attraction

This is another example of intending conflict. If you are making an intention of your avatar and one of your spouse, then the actual intention that arises is of conflict. If your thoughts are conflicted then your reality will also be conflicted.

That is why it is so important to take responsibility for your thoughts. If you want to see peace in the world, then make peace for everything in your reality. If you want to enjoy a loving relationship then intend loving relationships for everyone. If you intend to do this only for yourself and not for others, it means that you are conflict, division, separation, and as a result, you will experience the same.

If you stop thinking about anything at all, will it disappear? Yes, technically it will disappear. But practically it is almost impossible to uncreate what you have created. You will continue to focus on those problems and increase them. But when you consider yourself to be 100% responsible for whatever you are experiencing in reality now, then you will get that power by which you can change your reality by changing your thoughts.

All this reality is made by you. Feel good about it. Be grateful for the richness of the world. And then start creating the reality that you really want with your decisions and intentions. Think about what you want, and divert your attention from what you don't want. The easiest and natural way to do this is to pay attention to your emotions.

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