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Symptoms and types of human coronaviruses 2020

human coronaviruses
Image source: Health.mil

What are the different types of human coronaviruses, what are their symptoms?

There are hundreds of coronaviruses in the world that spread disease in animals like cats, camels, pigs and bats, but so far seven such coronaviruses have been found that have spread the infection to the person. Let's know which are those viruses and what are their symptoms.

What is Coronavirus?

The large family of RNA viruses is the coronavirus, which infects animals and humans. In humans, the virus causes only common cold-like illness, but for the last two decades, the coronavirus has been causing serious illness, which is also likely to cause death. This includes diseases such as SARS-Cove, MERS, and SARS-Cove2.

In the mid-1960s, the first human coronavirus was observed. In 1965, the coronavirus was identified in humans by scientists JJ Terrell and ML Byno. Previously renamed as B814, it was changed to Corona in 1968.

The virus was named Corona because when viewed from a microscope, the surface of the virus appeared like a pointed peg that somewhat resembled the crown of the head. Diseases like diarrhoea in cow and pig can be caused by corona. In 1937, Corona's infected person was isolated for the first time.

Coronavirus classification

human coronaviruses
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

More broadly, the coronavirus (CoV) is a large group of viruses belonging to the order Nidovirless, which includes the family Coronaviridae, Arteriviridae and Roniviridae.

The coronavirus has been classified by the Corona Virus Study Group of the International Committee for Taxonomy of Viruses. According to research published in the Journal of Virology, four types of viruses of the coronavirus can be found in mammalian animals. The coronavirus found in bats comes from the genes of alpha and beta corona, while the corona found in birds contains the genes of gamma and delta corona.

Although there are hundreds of coronaviruses all over the world, so far seven coronaviruses have been confirmed in humans. Among these seven viruses, there are two alpha coronaviruses (229E and NL63) and four beta coronaviruses (OC43, HKU1, MERS and SARS-COV). The classification of the corona is based on the phylogeny of the virus.

Whenever a new virus is produced, it is classified based on how the virus relates to existing viruses and is then named as viruses such as SARS-COV and SARS-COV2.

In addition, coronavirus can also be classified based on serology. In this, the virus can be divided into groups of one to three. In group one and two, the coronavirus in mammalian animals is kept and in group three the coronavirus is found in birds.

When was the first human corona identified?

229 E - The first Coronavirus is mentioned in the mid-1960s. De Hemre and JJ Procknow printed a paper in Experimental Biology and Medicine in 1966 describing the first coronavirus.

OC 43 - The virus was first identified in 1967, according to a letter in the Journal of Virology. However, the paper mentions that the coronavirus was first identified in 1965.

NL63 and HKU1 (NL63 & HKU1) - This virus was first identified in the Netherlands in 2004. The virus is isolated from a seven-month-old newborn. At this time, the number of researches on coronavirus found in humans increased. This was followed by the identification of NL63 and HKU1 viruses in 2006 in Hong Kong.

SARS-CoV - The virus was first introduced in China in 2003, although no animal has been identified yet, it is believed that the virus is transmitted from bats to other animals, mostly in cats.

MERS - The the virus was found in Saudi Arabia in 2012 in a humpbacked camel.

SARS-CoV 2 - Found in the Chinese city of Wuhan last year 2019, although no animal has yet been confirmed for the virus the bat is likely to be.

What causes corona virus-like symptoms?

SARS-COV was the first example of human coronavirus before SARS-COV2 and MERS. The SARS-COV virus was likely to cause serious illness. In addition, other human coronaviruses such as OC43 and 229E are known for the common cold, and NL63 virus causes pneumonia-like illness.

According to an article in Microbiology and Molecular Biology, the NN63 virus was previously associated with infections in children, while OC43 virus caused intestinally or stomach irritation.

SARS-COV2 was identified in China in 2003. It is believed that the virus is spread by bats but this has not been confirmed. Symptoms of the disease caused by this virus can be cough, difficulty in breathing, diarrhoea.

MERS is also a type of viral disease that can occur in humans. The virus was first found in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. It includes fever, cough and difficulty in breathing

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