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Top Weight Loss Tips in 2020 | Facts you need to know

Weight Loss
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How to reduce obesity?


Tips for Weight loss in 7 days - Today, due to the changing lifestyle of today, an increasing problem of today is increased weight, in addition to feeling bad in looking at weight, it is also bad for health. So we are sharing with you how to lose weight in 7 days | How to lose weight. In this post, we will share how to reduce weight and Weight Loss Diet plan, Diet Chart for weight loss.

 Measures to reduce obesity

Weight gain has become a common problem today. It is often seen that 3 out of 5 women are overweight after the age of 40, weight gain is not only bad to see but also very harmful for your health, even more weight can be used for your body parts like It is also harmful to the heart, so it is very important to keep the weight balanced. 

By controlling some areas of your life, you can also control your weight, such as a control on your diet.

Image Source: Needpix.com

Some people start dieting to reduce obesity. Dieting too much can be very dangerous for your health.
To make your weight work, take food in the correct balance diet.

The most important thing is to take breakfast heavy in the morning, your metabolism will also be good at it. Some of your good habits can change your life. In Ayurveda, it is said to have breakfast like a king, have lunch like an ordinary person and have dinner. 

Like a beggar, that is, to have a full breakfast, and lunch is as simple and dinner can do as little work, and after the sun has gone, there is no need to have dinner.

Make sure to include yoghurt in lunch.

Weight Loss Diet 

Friends, we are sharing the Weight Loss Diet Plan with you, by following which you can reduce your weight in a few days.


1. 1 egg, 1 cup milk, 2 Fruits, 1-2 Brown bread slice
2. 1 Plate Oats 2 fruits, 1 cup milk or 1 cup Green Tea
3. Sprouts (Sprouts) Milk, Fruit, 2 Brown Bread Slice


Dal 2 Roti Vegetable Curd Rice in small quantities,


1. Poha or Uttapam,
2. 1-2 roti curd potatoes or juicy potatoes, gourd luffa (easily digestible vegetables)

Diet chart for weight loss

Weight loss
Image Source: Flickr

In the morning, take a half nibble and one spoon honey in light lukewarm water. If the weight is too high, take warm water instead of lukewarm.

Then you can take linseed seeds, melon seeds or melon seeds.
1. Breakfast between 8-9 pm
2 .. At 11 o'clock, take something light like buttermilk, fruits, green tea
3.Lunch between 1-2 hrs
Can eat something light between 4.4-5pm

If you feel hungry again, then drink plenty of water at that time. Drink 7-8 glasses of water during the day. Do not take more than a glass of tea a day.

Tips for Weight loss in 7 days

Some people do not eat night mines only to be thin. It is very harmful to health.  And eat food 3 hours before bedtime. The time of 8–8: 30 pm is best for dinner. And eat the food at a certain time.
Definitely take a walk after dinner.

 You snack between breakfast and dinner or in the evening. Let's take green tea, fruits, salad. Do not take fried fried cheese like samosa, kachori or fast food burger. 

And keep it for dinner one day in the week, control the rest of the day, in Ayurveda, it is said that these three white slices of cheese are like poison, like white maida, white salt and white sugar and these three give a lot to your weight. 

Therefore, if you want to control the weight, you can use these three things carefully and you can replace them with supplements like take wheat flour instead of flour, take honey, jaggery or sugar or sugar candy instead of sugar and use salt to a minimum.

Food not to eat -

Chinese salt, maida, fried food, fast food, cold drink

Exercise for weight loss

Weight loss
Image Source: Public Domain Pictures

Exercise, aerobics, pranayama, yoga for half an hour in a day and the most important thing in exercising is that it should be done by rules, then the only benefit is there.

Stress not taking stress is a disease that is the cause of all diseases obesity. It has been seen many times that people who take too much stress say that it is too much, so make sure to meditate, it will keep your mind calm so that your stress level will also below. To reduce weight, do a sun salutation, Kapalbhati.

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